Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

If you don't celebrate Christmas, then Happy Holidays and have fun doing whatever you celebrate! I had a great Christmas, but a lot of people didn't and we have to remember that. To help those who are less fortunate, you can go to instead of Google and extend your vocab, art, or math skills while donating food by using I hope you all got everything you asked for and more.

I finally got my Chanel bag for Christmas and I feel so blessed!
What did you get? If you send me a picture, I'll post my favorite on the site! xoxoxo Bree

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Twilight Cast Might Be Changing

Maybe you guys will listen to this one.
According to reports from Summit, Actor Michael Copon (he was in Scorpion King 2 and had a recurring role on One Tree Hill) is in the lead for a role as Jacob if they decide not to have Lautner be in the next film. Apparently Lautner is too young looking for the role.
If Lautner isn't cast, they're thinking of Ben Barnes (from Prince Caspian).
Nothing has been decided yet, but filming starts in a couple months. They've already changed the director, so that's already something to adjust to.
Jacob does change in the books, so Lautner might not be a good choice since he does have that baby face. What do you think?

Friday, October 24, 2008

Jennifer Hudson's Mother & Brother Dead, Nephew Missing

This is too horrible for me even comprehend right now. My prayers are with her in her time of need.
click here to read the CNN article

This is a brief recount from
This is so horrible. Beyond words. The mother of Oscar winning actress Jennifer Hudson has been killed. Investigators said two shooting victims were discovered inside a home belonging to Hudson's mother just before 3:00 PM on Friday. The home is located at 7019 South Yale in Chicago's Englewood neighborhood. One of the victims was 57-year-old Darnell Hudson. The other victim was identified as Jennifer's brother, Jason. A cousin who lived nearby discovered the bodies. Darnell was shot in the head and Jason was shot in the chest, according to a spokesman for the Cook County medical examiner's office. The shooting is believed to be domestic, police said. Hudson is said to be flying to Chicago from Tampa. Our thoughts to Jennifer during this incredibly difficult time. Update: A search is under way for a young boy who is missing from the home. A child, possibly Jennifer Hudson's 7-year-old nephew, Julian King, is missing, according to sources. Police are searching for an SUV that was seen in the area, a 1994 white Suburban, Illinois license plate number X584859.

Palin's Make-Up Cost 22,800 this month alone!

Looks like Sexy Sarah is costing the campaign some major money to keep her nickname. Here's an article by the New York Times:

Who was the highest paid individual in Senator John McCain’s presidential campaign during the first half of October as it headed down the homestretch? Not Randy Scheunemann, Mr. McCain’s chief foreign policy adviser; not Nicolle Wallace, his senior communications staffer. It was Amy Strozzi, Gov. Sarah Palin’s traveling makeup artist, according to a new filing with the Federal Election Commission on Thursday night. Ms. Strozzi, who was nominated for an Emmy award for her makeup work on the television show “So You Think You Can Dance?”, was paid $22,800 for the first two weeks of October alone, according to the records. The campaign categorized Ms. Strozzi’s payment as “Personnel Svc/Equipment.” In addition, Angela Lew, who is Ms. Palin’s traveling hair stylist, got $10,000 for “Communications Consulting” in the first half of October. Ms. Lew’s address listed in F.E.C. records traces to an Angela M. Lew in Thousands Oaks, Calif., which matches with a license issued by the California Board of Barbering and Cosmetology. The board said Ms. Lew works at a salon called Hair Grove in Westlake Village, Calif. W Magazine’s blog reported earlier this month that “the Guv has been traveling with a hairstylist named Angela, who usually works out of a salon called the Hair Grove,” and that she was directed to the salon by none other than Cindy McCain, whose own hair stylist, Piper, works at the Hair Grove as well. The campaign’s payment on Oct. 10 to Ms. Strozzi made her the single highest-paid individual in the campaign for that two week period. (There were more than two-dozen companies that got larger payments than Ms. Strozzi). She easily beat out Mr. Scheunemann, who received $12,500 in the first half of October, and Ms. Wallace, who got $12,000. Ms. Lew was the fourth highest paid person in the campaign during that span. In September, Ms. Strozzi, who was first identified by the Washington Post this week as Ms. Palin’s makeup artist, was also paid $13,200 for “communications consulting.” But several individuals were paid more by the McCain campaign that month, including Mike DuHaime, the political director, who received $25,000 for “Gotv Consulting,” and Mark Salter, one of Mr. McCain’s senior advisers, who got $13,224 in salary. Ms. Lew collected $8,825 in September for what the campaign labeled in its report as “GOTV Consulting.” There has been much attention this week, of course, on the $150,000 Republican National Committee spent outfitting Ms. Palin in September at high-end department stores like Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus, as well as for makeup services. The campaign finance reports filed on Thursday night, which showed the McCain campaign and the R.N.C. had about $84 million left in the bank on Oct. 15, did not immediately appear to show any similar payments in the first half of October.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Beyonce's New Music Video

The always fabulous Beyonce has a couple of new videos, but I love this one in particular. It shows how guys are towards women and how if we switched places, we might learn a little somenthing about he way we treat each other and the way that we want to be treated. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What happened to me?

I used to be busy all of the time and I felt like I was managing my time. Now, I feel like I have so much time. I'm always at home or school and that's my life. I don't do anything else (because I didn't bring my car to college) and it pains me. I miss working, clubs, socializing. My social base is basically my friends and the girls from the dance team. I've never been one for a large group of friends (at least not since junior year), so it's not a big deal to be popular or anything, but most people go to college and meet a zillion people who want to connect with them and I've only found about four, which is fine, but they're not people who I can see myself being bffs with for the rest of my life or anything. I will be graduated a few semesters and that'll be it for me. Next semester, I'm going to buckle down and do all of those things that I've been dreaming of since I got here, but it's hard to know that I have a few more months of being stuck in the room with the roommate all day, who's more interesting in chatrooms than going out. I feel like a prisoner because I'm off-campus and I have no means to get on-campus after 7p.m. I don't think its going to get any easier, but I do hope that it will next semester. I plan to not be home like all day. I don't know how this will turn out. I'll let you know.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Do people deserve to die?

hurricane ike hits cuba

When Hurricane Katrina hit, a lot of people said that they ones left behind deserved to die and be stuck on rooftops because they didn't leave. It's not that simple, especially not in the case of Katrina, but we won't get into that. People don't stay during hurricanes because they value their expensive rugs and chandeliers. They stay because it's home. You feel more helpless when you're away and you don't know what you're going to come back to. I live in like hurricane central and I can tell you that I've only evacuated once and that was during a category 5. I don't think anyone deserves to die or not get a way out when they need it just because they thought they'd be safe at home. Maybe they should leave when people are warning them to, but people make stupid decisions all of the time and they shouldn't be thought less of because of that. If everyone's decisions were put out there for the world to see, I'm sure that their choosing to be in the only place that they feel safe wouldn't be at the top of the list. That's my feeling, but it's not Adrianne Curry's belief. She thinks that those people should have to pay to be saved, more than what they do in taxes already. What do you think?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

No, that isn't my facebook, but that's sort of what I'm writing about. Online communities. I'm in college, so everybody has a facebook and they're on it all of the time. I scarcely check mine (I'm lucky if I do it once a day), but some people live for the thrill of MySpace an Facebook. More importantly, they live for the drama. I must say that I did experience some MySpace drama a couple of times in high school, but those same childish people seem to have reverted to facebook to keep the drama alive. I know that I'm not perfect or blameless in certain situations, but I'm an adult. When someone wrongs you, don't go spreading it around to everyone but them. It's stupid and you look dumb. If you have a problem with a friend, tell them. Things will only get worse if she finds out through a status update or a blog. What's between you and someone else should stay that way. Don't let anyone else into your business because then they'll cause more drama for you in the end. You don't have to like move out and start paying bills, but you do need to start acting a little more grown-up in relationships. Life is hard enough without all of the drama.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

I'm sitting in my new house with nothing to do. My roommate is sleeping (she does that about 18 hours a day and stays up all night IMing friends) and my housemates are either out or doing some type of schoolwork. I need to do my reporting homework, but I think that some some blogging is in order. I've been watching Gossip Girl all day (the first season) and it makes me wonder about who people are. We all dream of having money and seeing our name in lights, but what will we do for it. If you watch any competitive reality show, there's a lot of scheming and fakeness. Who we become in order to get what we want? I can't say that I'm big at winning anything outside of a monopoly game, but I want to win the right way when I do. When my dreams come true, I want to say that I did it without all of the scheming. A journalist once went to interview the richest man in St. Louis. The journalist had been born wealthy, so the elaborate set up of the rich man's office didn't really impress him. The journalist asked, "What did it cost you?" By that, the journalist meant: "What did you do & who did you betray in order to get to this position in life?" It turns out, he'd done a lot. He regretted every bit of it. When you reach your dreams, you don't want to regret them, you want to cherish them and feel proud that you've made it so far. No regrets. No horrible shows of character. Just hardwork and perserverance.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

New Start

I'm in a new town and a new school. It's crazy nerve-wrecking, but it's a new start. The thing with new starts is that you can forget all of the mistakes you've made and people who you've tried to please. You get a chance to be yourself, instead of someone you may have been pretending to be before. I always flock to big populations. Animity is so important to me because I've never had it living in a small town. I'm glad that I didn't let anyone convince me to stay in my hometown because there was nothing for me there. If there had been, I'd be there. At my graduation, our guest speaker encouraged us to come back with our knowledge and help our city with it. I'm encouraging you to go back home if that's where you truly want to be. Don't forget where you grew up and help people there if you can, but your life can't stop because you feel obligated. You'll hate yourself for it and you'll always wonder what could have been. I'm off for the night because class starts tomorrow. More to be said later, even though no one's reading. If you are reading, drop me a line! xoxo Bree

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Computer Broken

My computer is broken, so this is not a post and I will have no more until my computer is fixed.

Monday, July 28, 2008

One More Final...

One more final and I'm done with summer classes. College life is something, but it'll be worth it, like my braces. I've gotten zero comments and that makes me insanely sad. I'm always doing things for my site and no one cares about anything but the link to new layouts, so it's not surprising. I know that if I just keep pushing, someone will pay attention. Since no one's really reading, that's all for today. I'm insanely tired from the past weekend and then we started Vacation Bible School today at church and I'm a teacher.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Do you believe in Fairy Tales?

I bought Penelope today and it's like a modern day fairytale. I waited forever to see it in my little home town and it was worth the wait. It's witty, dramatic, romantic and surprising. The fact that she has a pig nose, doesn't seem so absurd on a fairy tale backdrop. I think that we all have fairy tales, romantic or not. It's good to believe that stories like Cinderella's can be true. That someone can save another person just by loving them. That concept is the basis for a lot of charitable organiations, like To Write Love on Her Arms . Just something as basic and easy to give as love can help someone's life change and give them a fairy tale ending. I think that too many people like Shia LaBeouf (who I have loved since Even Stevens!) are receiving enabling love, that could ruin there lives. Shia's had more DUIs than Paris Hilton did before she met Benji Madden. I think that it might take what Paris has, the right kind of person, giving you the right kind of love, to make your fairy tale possible. I like to think that Cinderella and prince lived happily ever after, but if they didn't, it's still a fairy tale to me. Cinderella went from scrubbing floors for people who gave her nothing but hate, to being adored from someone who gave her nothing but love. Her prince barely even knew her when he started giving her that emotion. I think love is the answer to any problem that we have now. War? Love. Genocide? Love. Racism? Love. Like the Beatles said, "Love is all you need."

Good Morning to You!

This one's not too serious. I'm still not sure if anyone's reading and I'm still working on the concept for this blog. I'm trying to get parts of me, but also parts of you into this, so please comment to help me get on the right track. I made an amaing discovery a few years ago and I just made the push into it. It's called StyleDiary. I've been too busy with this reunion thing to upload pictures, but I will soon (click here to see my diary!). It's also how I find Susie Bubble's blog. Her style is pure London with elements of Hong Kong mixed in. My style is Holly Golightly goes to the beach. I that everyone should have their own style to reflect exactly who they are. Going to Amerian Eagle and buying the same outfit as the model is fine, but what does it say about you? What's your style? Pictures would be great!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

La Familia

Before my family reunion thing today, I had to shave to wear a dress and it sucks because guys don't have to and it got me thinking about all of those double standards out there, but I'm choosing not to digress into that right now. I want to draw your attention to a link on the left, leading you to a website about the Chanel Mobile Art showcase. It's so interesting how these people have come together in the name of fashion. I think fashion is one of the most unappreciated art forms because no one really things of it as art, but this is. It's almost avant-garde, the way that they are pushing the envelope. I'd write more (who couldn't on Chanel?), but I'm vastly tired and I have more family reunion stuff to do tomorrow and I'm watching Sin City before bed.

That's me with the black hair.
By the way, anyone wanna weigh in on what they think about the Chanel Mobile Art Exhibit. I'm always interested in your thoughts.

Friday, July 25, 2008

I feel excited

Well, I've been trying to help girls with self-esteem for years, despite my young age, but I've not yet let anyone into my life. Today I thought to myself, while reading susie bubble's blog, that I might be able to help people just by showing them who I am. Maybe if more girls see a girl who's got high self-esteem, they'll be able to get something from it. Plus, I just find blog writing pretty cool. I can never keep track of journals, so this will be fun to try and keep up with. I plan to include pictures, news stories, fashion movements, celeb gossip. EVERYTHING! Get ready for it, kids. Later days, Bree