Saturday, July 26, 2008

La Familia

Before my family reunion thing today, I had to shave to wear a dress and it sucks because guys don't have to and it got me thinking about all of those double standards out there, but I'm choosing not to digress into that right now. I want to draw your attention to a link on the left, leading you to a website about the Chanel Mobile Art showcase. It's so interesting how these people have come together in the name of fashion. I think fashion is one of the most unappreciated art forms because no one really things of it as art, but this is. It's almost avant-garde, the way that they are pushing the envelope. I'd write more (who couldn't on Chanel?), but I'm vastly tired and I have more family reunion stuff to do tomorrow and I'm watching Sin City before bed.

That's me with the black hair.
By the way, anyone wanna weigh in on what they think about the Chanel Mobile Art Exhibit. I'm always interested in your thoughts.