Sunday, August 24, 2008

New Start

I'm in a new town and a new school. It's crazy nerve-wrecking, but it's a new start. The thing with new starts is that you can forget all of the mistakes you've made and people who you've tried to please. You get a chance to be yourself, instead of someone you may have been pretending to be before. I always flock to big populations. Animity is so important to me because I've never had it living in a small town. I'm glad that I didn't let anyone convince me to stay in my hometown because there was nothing for me there. If there had been, I'd be there. At my graduation, our guest speaker encouraged us to come back with our knowledge and help our city with it. I'm encouraging you to go back home if that's where you truly want to be. Don't forget where you grew up and help people there if you can, but your life can't stop because you feel obligated. You'll hate yourself for it and you'll always wonder what could have been. I'm off for the night because class starts tomorrow. More to be said later, even though no one's reading. If you are reading, drop me a line! xoxo Bree