Monday, July 28, 2008

One More Final...

One more final and I'm done with summer classes. College life is something, but it'll be worth it, like my braces. I've gotten zero comments and that makes me insanely sad. I'm always doing things for my site and no one cares about anything but the link to new layouts, so it's not surprising. I know that if I just keep pushing, someone will pay attention. Since no one's really reading, that's all for today. I'm insanely tired from the past weekend and then we started Vacation Bible School today at church and I'm a teacher.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Do you believe in Fairy Tales?

I bought Penelope today and it's like a modern day fairytale. I waited forever to see it in my little home town and it was worth the wait. It's witty, dramatic, romantic and surprising. The fact that she has a pig nose, doesn't seem so absurd on a fairy tale backdrop. I think that we all have fairy tales, romantic or not. It's good to believe that stories like Cinderella's can be true. That someone can save another person just by loving them. That concept is the basis for a lot of charitable organiations, like To Write Love on Her Arms . Just something as basic and easy to give as love can help someone's life change and give them a fairy tale ending. I think that too many people like Shia LaBeouf (who I have loved since Even Stevens!) are receiving enabling love, that could ruin there lives. Shia's had more DUIs than Paris Hilton did before she met Benji Madden. I think that it might take what Paris has, the right kind of person, giving you the right kind of love, to make your fairy tale possible. I like to think that Cinderella and prince lived happily ever after, but if they didn't, it's still a fairy tale to me. Cinderella went from scrubbing floors for people who gave her nothing but hate, to being adored from someone who gave her nothing but love. Her prince barely even knew her when he started giving her that emotion. I think love is the answer to any problem that we have now. War? Love. Genocide? Love. Racism? Love. Like the Beatles said, "Love is all you need."

Good Morning to You!

This one's not too serious. I'm still not sure if anyone's reading and I'm still working on the concept for this blog. I'm trying to get parts of me, but also parts of you into this, so please comment to help me get on the right track. I made an amaing discovery a few years ago and I just made the push into it. It's called StyleDiary. I've been too busy with this reunion thing to upload pictures, but I will soon (click here to see my diary!). It's also how I find Susie Bubble's blog. Her style is pure London with elements of Hong Kong mixed in. My style is Holly Golightly goes to the beach. I that everyone should have their own style to reflect exactly who they are. Going to Amerian Eagle and buying the same outfit as the model is fine, but what does it say about you? What's your style? Pictures would be great!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

La Familia

Before my family reunion thing today, I had to shave to wear a dress and it sucks because guys don't have to and it got me thinking about all of those double standards out there, but I'm choosing not to digress into that right now. I want to draw your attention to a link on the left, leading you to a website about the Chanel Mobile Art showcase. It's so interesting how these people have come together in the name of fashion. I think fashion is one of the most unappreciated art forms because no one really things of it as art, but this is. It's almost avant-garde, the way that they are pushing the envelope. I'd write more (who couldn't on Chanel?), but I'm vastly tired and I have more family reunion stuff to do tomorrow and I'm watching Sin City before bed.

That's me with the black hair.
By the way, anyone wanna weigh in on what they think about the Chanel Mobile Art Exhibit. I'm always interested in your thoughts.

Friday, July 25, 2008

I feel excited

Well, I've been trying to help girls with self-esteem for years, despite my young age, but I've not yet let anyone into my life. Today I thought to myself, while reading susie bubble's blog, that I might be able to help people just by showing them who I am. Maybe if more girls see a girl who's got high self-esteem, they'll be able to get something from it. Plus, I just find blog writing pretty cool. I can never keep track of journals, so this will be fun to try and keep up with. I plan to include pictures, news stories, fashion movements, celeb gossip. EVERYTHING! Get ready for it, kids. Later days, Bree