Sunday, September 14, 2008

Do people deserve to die?

hurricane ike hits cuba

When Hurricane Katrina hit, a lot of people said that they ones left behind deserved to die and be stuck on rooftops because they didn't leave. It's not that simple, especially not in the case of Katrina, but we won't get into that. People don't stay during hurricanes because they value their expensive rugs and chandeliers. They stay because it's home. You feel more helpless when you're away and you don't know what you're going to come back to. I live in like hurricane central and I can tell you that I've only evacuated once and that was during a category 5. I don't think anyone deserves to die or not get a way out when they need it just because they thought they'd be safe at home. Maybe they should leave when people are warning them to, but people make stupid decisions all of the time and they shouldn't be thought less of because of that. If everyone's decisions were put out there for the world to see, I'm sure that their choosing to be in the only place that they feel safe wouldn't be at the top of the list. That's my feeling, but it's not Adrianne Curry's belief. She thinks that those people should have to pay to be saved, more than what they do in taxes already. What do you think?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

No, that isn't my facebook, but that's sort of what I'm writing about. Online communities. I'm in college, so everybody has a facebook and they're on it all of the time. I scarcely check mine (I'm lucky if I do it once a day), but some people live for the thrill of MySpace an Facebook. More importantly, they live for the drama. I must say that I did experience some MySpace drama a couple of times in high school, but those same childish people seem to have reverted to facebook to keep the drama alive. I know that I'm not perfect or blameless in certain situations, but I'm an adult. When someone wrongs you, don't go spreading it around to everyone but them. It's stupid and you look dumb. If you have a problem with a friend, tell them. Things will only get worse if she finds out through a status update or a blog. What's between you and someone else should stay that way. Don't let anyone else into your business because then they'll cause more drama for you in the end. You don't have to like move out and start paying bills, but you do need to start acting a little more grown-up in relationships. Life is hard enough without all of the drama.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

I'm sitting in my new house with nothing to do. My roommate is sleeping (she does that about 18 hours a day and stays up all night IMing friends) and my housemates are either out or doing some type of schoolwork. I need to do my reporting homework, but I think that some some blogging is in order. I've been watching Gossip Girl all day (the first season) and it makes me wonder about who people are. We all dream of having money and seeing our name in lights, but what will we do for it. If you watch any competitive reality show, there's a lot of scheming and fakeness. Who we become in order to get what we want? I can't say that I'm big at winning anything outside of a monopoly game, but I want to win the right way when I do. When my dreams come true, I want to say that I did it without all of the scheming. A journalist once went to interview the richest man in St. Louis. The journalist had been born wealthy, so the elaborate set up of the rich man's office didn't really impress him. The journalist asked, "What did it cost you?" By that, the journalist meant: "What did you do & who did you betray in order to get to this position in life?" It turns out, he'd done a lot. He regretted every bit of it. When you reach your dreams, you don't want to regret them, you want to cherish them and feel proud that you've made it so far. No regrets. No horrible shows of character. Just hardwork and perserverance.