Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

If you don't celebrate Christmas, then Happy Holidays and have fun doing whatever you celebrate! I had a great Christmas, but a lot of people didn't and we have to remember that. To help those who are less fortunate, you can go to instead of Google and extend your vocab, art, or math skills while donating food by using I hope you all got everything you asked for and more.

I finally got my Chanel bag for Christmas and I feel so blessed!
What did you get? If you send me a picture, I'll post my favorite on the site! xoxoxo Bree

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Twilight Cast Might Be Changing

Maybe you guys will listen to this one.
According to reports from Summit, Actor Michael Copon (he was in Scorpion King 2 and had a recurring role on One Tree Hill) is in the lead for a role as Jacob if they decide not to have Lautner be in the next film. Apparently Lautner is too young looking for the role.
If Lautner isn't cast, they're thinking of Ben Barnes (from Prince Caspian).
Nothing has been decided yet, but filming starts in a couple months. They've already changed the director, so that's already something to adjust to.
Jacob does change in the books, so Lautner might not be a good choice since he does have that baby face. What do you think?